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Customer Activation for Magento 1

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Customer Activation for Magento 1


Availability: In stock

Require that customers are first approved by administrators before they can login or create orders. Magento Customer Activation is perfect for wholesale stores that do not want to show wholesale prices to clients until they have been manually approved.

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Magento Customer Activation is great for wholesale stores that want to restrict login until you have manually approved the account. Once installed you can make it so that a customer must be approved by an administrator in order to login, create orders, etc. Administrators will receive an email when there is a new registration and customer will receive an email when their account is approved. It's the perfect solution when you want to control access to your store.

Additional Information

PHP min version 5.6.x
PHP max version 7.x
After Description HTML No
After Feature List HTML No
Estimated Availibility Date No

Customer Reviews

Perfect at restricting access for wholesaling Review by Winnie
Another great extension! This has fit our needs perfectly to restrict access to only approved wholesale customers for our store. (Posted on 7/6/2015)

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