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Free Gift for Magento 1

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Free Gift for Magento 1


Availability: In stock

Auto add free gifts to your customer's cart when they purchase certain products. Great for giving away your store branded products (shirts, pens, etc) or for just giving away products to make customers more loyal and increase purchase quantities. Works with or without a coupon code and supports bundle / configurable products. Great for "Buy 1 Get 1 Free" promotions.

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Magento Free Gift extensions helps encourage more sales by offering free gifts to customers. Free is a very powerful motivator when making sales. In fact, it has been shown that giving something for free can encourage more sales than just giving a discount - even if the discount is more than the value of the free gift. Nothing is more powerful than the word free!

Using the Magento Free Gift extension will allow you to automatically give free products to your customers based on their product or service purchases. For example, you can set up the Free Gift extension to do a simple "Buy 1 shirt and receive a 2nd shirt free" type of sale. Or set it to "Purchase more than $200.00 and receive a free t-shirt" for your power shoppers.

This Magento Free Gift extension is especially powerful for giving away products that are branded with your store. Imagine giving away pens, t-shirts, or mousepads branded with your store logo. Not only do customers get something for free, but you get free advertising then they use or wear your free gift.

This extension also allows you set up a scenario where your customers can select from a group of free products. It even supports configurable products and products with custom options.